Local Business Resources
The Downtowners aims to assist new and existing businesses to drive the local economy. Check for training events listed at www.downtownlongview.com/event-list, and connect with the area business organizations and resources below.

Cowlitz Economic Development Council
1452 Hudson St., U.S. Bank Building, Suite 208, Longview
The Cowlitz Economic Development Council is a nonprofit, professional membership association dedicated to facilitating economic and employment opportunities in Cowlitz County. The primary role of the CEDC is assisting businesses to relocate and expand in Cowlitz County.

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce
105 N Minor Rd., Kelso
The Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business and professional people working to advance local, commercial, industrial and civic development. The chamber provides paid members with information on matters that impact business, as well as opportunities to make business connections.

Lower Columbia Investment Network
Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments
Cowlitz County Administration Building annex, Second Floor/West
207 4th Ave. North, Kelso
*Directly north of the Administration Building
The investment network is an alternative to banks or other lenders to offer businesses a way to borrow money from neighbors, customers and others interested in their success. The network is also a way investors can see where their money is going and who it is helping in their own backyards.

Revolving Loan Fund
Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments
Cowlitz County Administration Building annex, Second Floor/West
207 4th Ave.North, Kelso
*Directly north of the Administration Building
A revolving loan fund is a financing program used for the development and expansion of small businesses. It is a self-replenishing pool of money, using interest and principal payments from current and past loans to finance new ones. These loans provide access to capital as gap financing to enable small businesses to grow and generate new employment opportunities with competitive wages and benefits.
The CWCOG Revolving Loan Fund Program for the City of Longview provides access to a flexible source of capital that can be used in combination with more conventional sources.

Small Business Development Center
Lower Columbia College, Applied Arts Building
1600 Maple Street, Room AAR 109B, Longview
The Small Business Development Center is a national organization funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration that provides one-on-one, confidential and free advice for small business owners on topics like finances, marketing and human resources. The center has 33 offices in Washington, and almost 1,000 nationwide. Call or email to make an appointment.